Pregnancy & Postnatal Care Reflexology
Pregnancy and postnatal reflexology can support you through your entire journey from growing a new life through to ‘mummyhood’
Pregnancy Care
Pregnancy is a magical time and focussing on your own wellbeing is just as important as focussing on your gorgeous growing baby. Reflexology provides an holistic approach to support a positive mind and can aid relaxation during a time that can be quite stressful.
It can also help relieve some of the more common pregnancy ailments, including:
- Anxiety
- Backache
- Constipation
- Fatigue
- Fluid Retention/Oedema
- Heartburn
- Indigestion
- Nausea
- Sleeplessness
- Stress
- Tension
Regular reflexology treatment can help provide a positive pregnancy experience. Research has also shown it can help with a shorter and more comfortable labour by promoting the bodies natural pain reliever (endorphins).
Treatment can be undertaken from 16wks pregnant until baby arrives. If you have a history of miscarriages or complications in the first 12 wks I would recommend treatment does not commence before 20wks.
Postnatal Care
Following the arrival of your beautiful baby, your life becomes busy taking care of your precious little one. However, it is important to remember that regardless of whether you birthed your baby naturally or with assistance, that your body requires time and nurturing to recover. It can be hard to think about yourself when you have this new life to take care of but its important to remember that if you are looked after your baby will experience the benefits of this just has much as you do.
Reflexology can help with:
- Anxiety
- Balance hormones
- Constipation
- Elevating mood
- Increase immunity
- Headaches and tension
- Oedema
- Post Natal Depression
- Support and increase the production of milk
- Tiredness and Fatigue
The post natal period which is also referred to as the 4th trimester can last anywhere between 8-12 weeks following the birth of your baby and being a new mum myself I fully appreciate how difficult it can be to juggle daily life and tasks without having to try and fit in appointments around your baby or even leave your baby. I am more than happy for you to bring your little person along with you whilst you have your treatment.